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Model Showcase - Lirin Cosplay.

Kalamos Komics - Lirin Cosplay - Paolo Hack Photo - Sadika Club Milano - Tickling Torture - Tickling Torture - Tortura Solletico - Solletico Tortura - Torture Chatouille - Cosquillas Tortura - Kitzeln Folter - Kitzelfolter - Kusuguri - Solletico Milano - Tickling Video - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Video Fetish Italiani

Today on Kalamos Komics:
Lirin Cosplay!

Lithe and petite, Lirin is a performing and a martial artist with a penchant for Cosplay.
She approached me with a joint job in mind - and believe me when I say I was honoured!

Oggi su Kalamos Komics:
Lirin Cosplay!

Minuta, ma atletica, Lirin è una performer e una ginnasta marziale appassionata di Cosplay.
Mi ha accostato, proponendomi una collaborazione - e posso dirvi che è stato un onore lavorare con lei!

Kalamos Komics - Lirin Cosplay - Paolo Hack Photo - Sadika Club Milano - Tickling Torture - Tickling Video - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Video Fetish ItalianiKalamos Komics - Lirin Cosplay - Paolo Hack Photo - Sadika Club Milano - Tickling Torture - Tickling Video - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Video Fetish ItalianiKalamos Komics - Lirin Cosplay - Paolo Hack Photo - Sadika Club Milano - Tickling Torture - Tickling Video - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Video Fetish ItalianiKalamos Komics - Lirin Cosplay - Paolo Hack Photo - Sadika Club Milano - Tickling Torture - Tickling Video - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Video Fetish Italiani

Mellow of character and flawless as a professional, Lirin harbours a heart melting "weakeness":
a twisted love for tickling!

Starring as the "Cat Burglar", Liring tries to steal in and spirit out sensible info.
To thwart her plans, Agent Klein, and his harrowing "bloodless questioning" techniques!

"We have ways to make you laugh!"

Persona dolcissima e professionista inappuntabile, Lirin ha una meravigliosa "debolezza", che scioglie i cuori:
una passione perversa per il solletico!

Ed eccola nei panni della Gatta Ladra, intenta a trafugare documenti segreti.
Ma sulla sua strada, l'Agente Klein, e le sue terribili tecniche di persuasione incruenta!

"Sappiamo come farti ridere!"

Coming Soon - Tickling Lirin the Burglar:
Kalamos Komics - Lirin Cosplay - Paolo Hack Photo - Sadika Club Milano - Tickling Torture - Tickling Video - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Video Fetish Italiani
Kalamos Krew Videoclips.

More about Lirin Cosplay.
More about My Tickling Vids.
More about My Fetish E-Comics.
Hosted by Sadika Club - Milano.

* Credits:

* My Blog - Kalamos Komics
* My Store - Kalamos Krew
* My Models - Cosplay Krew
* Hosted by - Sadika Club - Milano


Tickling Art - Guest - FetishComix

Kalamos Komics - FetishComix - Tickling Torture - Tickling Comics - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Fumetti Fetish Italiani - Franco Saudelli

Today on Kalamos Komics:

Under the rather descriptive monicker of "FetishComix" hides none other than one of art legend Franco Saudelli's pupils.

While his mentor's inspiration is patent in some of the recurring poses and scene layouts, FetishComix breaks the mold by breathing his own brand of fetish action in his works.

Aiming for bold, flowing lines, FetishComix's palette is rich as it ranges from gloomy greens and purples to full, fleshy reds and pinks as mood dictates and requires.

Oggi su Kalamos Komics:

Sotto il marchio "FetishComix" si cela niente meno che uno degli studenti del leggandario artista Franco Saudelli.

L'ispirazione del maestro traspare evidente nella composizione delle scene e nelle pose; nondimeno, FetishComix sa iniettare una vena originale nei propri lavori.

Linee forti e fluide, quella di FetishComix è una tavolozza ricca che spazia dai colori più cupi alle tinte pastello più languide e carnali, secondo necessità narrativa.

Kalamos Komics - FetishComix - Tickling Torture - Tickling Comics - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Fumetti Fetish Italiani - Franco SaudelliKalamos Komics - FetishComix - Tickling Torture - Tickling Comics - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Fumetti Fetish Italiani - Franco SaudelliKalamos Komics - FetishComix - Tickling Torture - Tickling Comics - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Fumetti Fetish Italiani - Franco SaudelliKalamos Komics - FetishComix - Tickling Torture - Tickling Comics - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Fumetti Fetish Italiani - Franco Saudelli

More about FetishComix's Art.
More about Tickling Art.
More about my own Fetish E-Comics.


More Sneak Shots from BergamoSex Event:
Kalamos Komics - MTJPUB - Tickling Torture - Tickling Comics - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - BergamoSex Adult Event
Kalamos Krew Videoclips.

* Credits:

* My Blog - Kalamos Komics
* My Store - Kalamos Krew


Model Showcase - Stefania the Alchemist!

Kalamos Komics - Stephanie Hexemist - Foot Fetish - Foot Model

Kalamos Komics showcasing:
Stefania the Alchemist.

Anything but hexed, this lovely witch is as hot as the darkest Hell.

Kalamos Komics presenta:
Stefania the Alchemist.

Nera come la notte, carnale come i gironi dei lussuriosi.
Kalamos Komics - Stephanie Hexemist - Foot Fetish - Foot ModelKalamos Komics - Stephanie Hexemist - Foot Fetish - Foot ModelKalamos Komics - Stephanie Hexemist - Foot Fetish - Foot Model

Stephanie elected to email me with some very alluring shots of hers.
Lady luck must have smiled upon me, I thought as I perused the cunningly self-shot photos.

Stefania mi ha usato la cortesia di spedirmi alcuni scatti autoprodotti.
E che scatti, ho pensato scorrendo le sue foto.
Kalamos Komics - Stephanie Hexemist - Foot Fetish - Foot ModelKalamos Komics - Stephanie Hexemist - Foot Fetish - Foot ModelKalamos Komics - Stephanie Hexemist - Foot Fetish - Foot Model

Dark and enticing, this Hex you won't have removed anytime soon.

Lugubre nei colori, esangue nell'incarnato, Stefania the Alchemist è una strega sanguigna, palpitante di vita e amante del piacere.
Kalamos Komics - Stephanie Hexemist - Foot Fetish - Foot Model
More about my Foot Models.


* Credits:
* My Blog - Kalamos Komics
* My Store - Kalamos Krew
* My Biz Partner - Devotion2
* Hosted by - Sadika Milano


Tickling Art - Guest - Solletickle.

Kalamos Komics - Solletickle - Tickling Torture - Tickling Comics - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Fumetti Fetish Italiani - Jessica Alba - Julia Roberts - Fujiko - Lupin - Batman - Harley Queen - Poison Ivy - Futurama - Amy - Leela Turanga

Today on Kalamos Komics:

A sophisticate, multi-talented Italian artist, Solletickle is equally at ease with portraits and comic and anime inspired cartoons.

Oggi ospite su Kalamos Komics:

Artista italiano, dotato di talento raffinato e versatile, Solletickle alterna soggetti reali a personaggi di fantasia, ripresi da fumetti e cartoni animati.

Kalamos Komics - Solletickle - Tickling Torture - Tickling Comics - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Fumetti Fetish Italiani - Jessica Alba - Julia Roberts - Fujiko - Lupin - Batman - Harley Queen - Poison Ivy - Futurama - Amy - Leela TurangaKalamos Komics - Solletickle - Tickling Torture - Tickling Comics - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Fumetti Fetish Italiani - Jessica Alba - Julia Roberts - Fujiko - Lupin - Batman - Harley Queen - Poison Ivy - Futurama - Amy - Leela TurangaKalamos Komics - Solletickle - Tickling Torture - Tickling Comics - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Fumetti Fetish Italiani - Jessica Alba - Julia Roberts - Fujiko - Lupin - Batman - Harley Queen - Poison Ivy - Futurama - Amy - Leela TurangaKalamos Komics - Solletickle - Tickling Torture - Tickling Comics - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Fumetti Fetish Italiani - Jessica Alba - Julia Roberts - Fujiko - Lupin - Batman - Harley Queen - Poison Ivy - Futurama - Amy - Leela Turanga

While a fan artist at his core, Solletickle's lines and his characters' lithe physical features mark his production as unmistakingly unique.

Young and yet prolific, he's got substantial potential, and you can witness a marked growth since his inception as a drawing artist.

It's a true honour for me to host his art over Kalamos Komics'.

Pur amando il tributo a terzi, il suo tratto delicato, e le anatomie realistiche, ma allo stesso tempo ieratiche, rimangono inconfondibili nelle sue opere.

Disegnatore giovane e prolifico, ha notevole potenziale, e la crescita artistica è evidente nel suo arco produttivo.

E' un vero onore poter esibire i suoi lavori su Kalamos Komics.

More about Solletickle:

Kalamos Komics - Solletickle - Tickling Torture - Tickling Comics - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - Fumetti Fetish Italiani

More about Solletickle's Art.
More about Tickling Art.
More about my own Fetish E-Comics.


Sneak Preview from BergamoSex Event:

Kalamos Komics - Kalamos Krew - MTJPUB - Tickling Cosplay - Fetish Cosplay - Tickling Torture - Tickling Comics - Tickling Art - Bondage - Foot Fetish - Erotic Torture - BergamoSex Adult Event

Coming Soon on My VideoClip Store.


LauraLib's Deviantart Gallery.
LauraLib's Videoclips.


* Credits:
* My Blog - Kalamos Komics
* My Producer - LauraLib's Devotion2