Today on Kalamos Komics: the Big Mansini. In keeping with the Cosplay theme, the Big Mansini's Superheroine art fits the bill perfectly. Fleshy, voluptuous, downright plump, Mansini's females ooze spunk, sensuality and zany humour. A hard-core gamer geek, and a true fetish artist at heart, the Big Mansini gives mainstream characters a new, twisted, spin. | Oggi su Kalamos Komics: the Big Mansini. Le Supereroine di Mansini sono perfette per rimanere in tema di film, fumetti e Cosplay. Carnali, carnose, burrose e voluttuose, le femmine di Mansini trasudano spirito e sensualità . Come appassionato di videogiochi, e artista feticista, Mansini riesce a dare una nuova linfa perversa a personaggi già noti. |

More about the Big Mansini:

More about the Big Mansini's Art.
Even more the Big Mansini's Art.
More about Tickling Art.
More about my Fetish E-Comics.
More Superheroines in Distress:

* Kalamos Krew - Cosplay Tickling Clips *
* Credits:
* My Blog - Kalamos Komics
* My Store - Cosplay Tickling Clips